Kirby exhausted, Altizer annoyed
Gwangju, South Korea-AP- Behind locked doors with only former commissioner of the Bigs present, Whit Altizer, current commissioner Sam Kirby killed Article 9 proposed by Altizer earlier this week. Article 9 read that "all managers MUST pay a fine for blatant inactivity." Though Kirby is generally known for his conservative stance, he was ferverantly opposed to article 9. For three hours, Kirby debated with himself over the legitimacy of the proposal. By the end of the debate Kirby resorted to reading from a Jennifer Weiner novel he had on hand. An hour later the meeting ajourned.
Bigs followers believe Kirby's stance on the article is part of his attempt to soften his image among the league. Many have found that Kirby's membership fees and draft policies have angered the league. Last year Biscuits manager tweeted "Kirby asks me to pay a fee every year and then can't even deliver the GD Bigs trophy!!!" Strangely, Altizer himself has failed to pay the league fees siting his long service to the Bigs.
Managers are indeed happy with Kirby's strong stance on Article 9. Greenville Gaywads manager Brian Whitaker seemed delighted on his teams Facebook page. Whitaker posted the newstory to his page, but said nothing. Whitaker was under investigation for blatant inactivity under the orders of current VP Harry Jazzercise. "We will shut down the investigation on Mr. Whitaker," Jazzercise said, "but we still want the glass trophy back!"
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